TEDx Talks. How To Find Your Passion and Know Your Purpose (Kaip atrasti mėgstamą veiklą ir žinoti savo tikslą)


TEDx Talks. How To Find Your Passion and Know Your Purpose (Kaip atrasti mėgstamą veiklą ir žinoti savo tikslą)
event 2020-10-14 domain Nacionalinė švietimo agentūra label_outline Mokytojo TV

TEDx Talks. How To Find Your Passion and Know Your Purpose (Kaip atrasti mėgstamą veiklą ir žinoti savo tikslą)

Teenagers often find it really hard to find their true passion and know their inner purpose in life. Sachin Syal, a 13-year-old entrepreneur, shares how to find your passion which will reveal your purpose and he delivers it with his personal experience of how he found his passion for selling at a young age. Sachin Syal is a student filled with passion and enthusiasm. When he was anxious about what his passion was, he discovered the art of entrepreneurship. Sachin Syal is a student filled with passion and enthusiasm. When he was anxious about what his passion was, he discovered the art of entrepreneurship. Through this, he was able to build his confidence and find his passion. He wants to help others find their passion when they’re young.  

Paaugliams dažnai būna labai sunku atrasti savo tikrąją aistrą ir žinoti savo vidinį gyvenimo tikslą. Sachinas Syalas, 13-metis verslininkas, dalijasi su jaunais žmonėmis savo patirtimi, kaip atrasti mėgstamą veiklą ir žinoti savo tikslą. 

TEDx Talks. 2020-10-14.

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