Teaching about climate change (Kaip mokyti apie klimato kaitą)


Teaching about climate change (Kaip mokyti apie klimato kaitą)
event 2020-06-08 domain Nacionalinė švietimo agentūra label_outline Mokytojo TV

Teaching about climate change (Kaip mokyti apie klimato kaitą)

In this webinar you will first learn about climate change education through the experience of Italian Climate Network and its activities with schools. The second presentation will emphasise that with a changing rhetoric and attitude towards the climate crisis, it is important for all teachers to reflect on and update their teaching practice. You will learn about an innovative collection of teaching resources, the story of their creation and how teachers can better address climate breakdown.

Šiame internetiniame seminare pristatomos švietimo apie klimato kaitą aktualijos remiantis Italijos mokyklų patirtimi. Keičiantis retorikai ir požiūriui į klimato krizę svarbu, kad visi mokytojai apmąstytų ir atnaujintų mokymo metodus.

Internetinė Europos mokyklinio ugdymo platforma „School Education Gateway“. 2020-06-04.

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